5 Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter is a hot platform for marketing your business online. Like every other social network, there are some strategies to use Twitter cleverly so that it works in your favor. Here are some ideas that can help you.

Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter Marketing Tips

Project A Professional Image of Yours – Since you are tweeting to grow your business, talking about personal matters will barely do you any good. You have to offer suggestions, provide links to helpful articles, videos and retweet relevant posts.

Add Your Own Perspective To Any Third-Party Content You Share – Don’t just copy and paste a link to some relevant content. Write your opinion on the topic. You don’t have to agree with the author. Disagreeing tweets can also start an engaging conversation and get more people to read your tweet. Be polite and friendly in your language, however.

Answer Questions – If you come across a question that you know the answer to, answer right away with an @ mention.

Ask Questions, Request Advice – If you need to know something, reach out to your followers for answers. Millions of people find help on Twitter, there’s no reason why you can’t. Provide hashtags next to your query. This will make your tweet visible to non-followers and help you get the attention of more people.

Tweet News About Your Company – Share what’s new in your company such as awards or recognition, job vacancies or ongoing recruitments, events, launches, mergers, sales, special offers etc.

You can actually reach out to the entire Twitterverse on Fridays with this hashtag #FollowFriday. That means, more than 500 million will be able to see your tweet!